When I first started this blog, the “My Journey” section was meant to be about my journey as a writer and the steps I’ve taken along the way. That’s been the case many of my posts, but I’ve come to realize that my journey is so much more than that. It’s about choices, not only mine, but those of my family.  For the next few blogs, I want to share some of those choices.

The minute we’re born, our journey begins. What we do with our lives has a lot to do with who we are and how strong our convictions are. When I was a kid, I had plenty of dreams and ideas of what I wanted to be when I grew up. My mother squelched my ballerina dreams when she told me I was too short to be a dancer. Needless to say, I was crushed. Though she never said as much, I’m certain the reason she discouraged me had more to do with lack of funds than the length of my legs—which never did grow very long, by the way. Ironically, my daughter, Jamie, picked up on my childhood dream and made it a reality—a reality for her, not for me. I don’t live vicariously through my daughter. God has answered so many prayers and given me more opportunities that I ever dreamed of.

My husband and I moved heaven and earth to see to it she had the lessons I was never given. As a kid, Jamie talked about dancing, but it wasn’t until she was 15 that she looked at me one day and said, “Mom, I have to dance.” She didn’t want to dance, she HAD to dance. Fifteen years later, she’s still dancing. Her journey has placed her with some of the best dance teachers in town, given her opportunities to learn, perform, teach, and minister, all while glorifying God.

For three or the last four years, she has travelled with Arrows International to Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and England. There was also a trip to Kenya one summer with East Coast Ballet. Though she loves teaching, ministry is her heart, which makes this mama’s heart proud.

Sharing God’s love through the written word is my choice. Dance and ministry is Jamie’s choice. How do you choose to allow God to use you?

Check out Jamie’s blog

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